Enfield Jobs
What Is The Job Market Like In Enfield Connecticut?
Are you looking at living in Hartford County CT? Specifically, you’ve chosen the town of Enfield, and you’re also right by the Massachusetts state line. This is a beautiful part of the country, and you came here to check out the job market. Let’s crunch the numbers and take a look at what you can expect in terms of jobs, employment and cost of living in Enfield CT.
First of all, the unemployment rate in Enfield is currently at 6.3 percent. While that is higher than the national average of 5.2 percent, job growth in the town has been positive. Throughout the past year, Enfield has seen job growth of 1.5 percent.
Next, let’s take a look at the average salary. The average household income is right above $68k. Believe it or not, that is actually below the national average, at least based on what data is available at this point in time. The average salary in Enfield, however, is by far nothing to sneeze at and better than many other parts of the country.
You might want to also compare the average salary in terms of jobs and employment in Enfield to the median home cost and the cost of living in general. The median home cost is right above $177k. Future job growth in the town is right on par with the national average, too, so numbers coming in should be looking quite good in the years to come.
What field are you in? Let’s say that you’re in the field of education. The average salary for teachers is at $38.7k, which is just shy of the national average. Perhaps you are in the field of social services. The average salary for social services workers is right at $42k, which is $4k above the national average. The average salary for law enforcement personnel comes in at $66.7k, $11k above the national average.
Healthcare support workers make an average of $26k, which while that may seem low, is still nearly $4k above the national average. Health technicians make an average of $41k a year, and health practitioners make an average of $73k annually. Then there are the firefighters. The national average salary for a firefighter is $29.7k, but in Enfield, the average salary is above $40k.
You can also look at the average salary by industry. Education was the first field mentioned, and the average salary was given for teachers as $38.7k. The average salary for the educational services industry, however, is above that mark at $42k. Also, it was mentioned that the average household income was $68k, and income per capita is an important figure to mention, which stands at $29.7k in Enfield.
That’s the numbers for the job market in Enfield CT. Now you know more about what to expect in terms of employment in the Hartford County area. It’s a beautiful place to live, and you’re going to love it there. Get to know the area more in terms of what life is like in Enfield, Connecticut.